Final conference: Deep decarbonisation towards 1.5°C – 2°C stabilisation

The ADVANCE final conference took place on 24 October 2016 in Brussels and brought together stakeholders, climate policy experts and ADVANCE scientists to present the results of the project and discuss implications for climate and energy policies, as well as priorities for future research. It primarily focused on policy findings relevant for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, which reinforced the objective of keeping global temperature rise well below 2°C, and of pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and thus called for an almost full-scale decarbonization of energy systems worldwide. To view the discussed topics, download the conference report. The presentations given at the conference can be viewed below.

Setting the scene Welcome and introduction, A. Tilche, EU Commission, DG for Research and Innovation | Climate and energy policy in a Post-Paris World, A. Runge-Metzger, EU Commission, DG for Climate Action

The ADVANCE project: Overview and key insights The challenge of limiting warming to 1.5-2°C, G. Luderer, PIK | Transformations on the demand side: transport, industry, buildings, efficiency, D. van Vuuren, PBL | Climate policy and sustainable development, K. Riahi, IIASA

Panel discussion: From research results to real-world transformation L. Cozzi, International Energy Agency | M. Mendiluce, World Business Council for Sustainable Development | X. Garcia Casals, Greenpeace International | A. Tilche, European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation | A. Runge-Metzger, European Commission, DG for Climate Action. Moderator: E. Kriegler, PIK

Climate and energy policy Implementing the Paris Agreement: system transformations and the contribution towards 1.5-2°C targets, B. Saveyn, Z. Vrontisi, JRC | A look at energy subsidies and climate objectives, J. Jewell, IIASA | Comment by discussant, B. Metz, European Climate Foundation

Energy transformation pathways Sustainable power supply and the role of wind and solar, R. Pietzcker, PIK | Low-carbon pathways for the transportation sector, O. Edelenbosch, PBL | Comment by discussant, P. Menna, European Commission, DG for Energy

Transparency and Robustness How to establish credibility? Evaluation and transparency of energy-economy models, V. Krey, IIASA | Towards robust insights for policy-making: structured uncertainty analysis, M. Tavoni, FEEM |  Comment by discussant, E. Trutnevyte, ETH Zürich