Power generation split module
The objective of this module is to allow splitting the aggregate power generation sector usually found in statistical databases to its consisting parts (transmission and distribution, discrete power generation technologies).
Files required to use the module
The method contains the following features: 1. Enable the automated split of the aggregated power supply sector with limited manual intervention; 2. Utilise the commonly used energy and economic databases. Download the module here.
Module Elements
Input data
The data required to run the routine are GTAP, IEA energy balances and TECHPOL II technoeconomic data.
Table 1 Databases required for the routine
File name | Description |
b_NRGsplit_GTAPIOt.gms | File including the routine for the construction of the IO tables based on GTAP data |
c_NRGsplit_IEAGTAP.gms | File including the routine to load and aggregate the GTAP and IEA data |
d_NRGsplit_TECHPOLII.gms | File loading the TECHPOL II data and the routine for the calculation of the power generation production cost and structure |
e_NRGsplit_IEAEBAL.gms | File loading the IEA energy balances |
Source code
The code for energy disaggregation is written in GAMS in a set of sequential GMS files. The routine files are summarized in Table 1 and discussed in brief below.
Table 2 Files used in the energy disaggregation routine
File name | Description |
f_NRGsplit_BUPG.gms | File including the routine for the bottom up representation of the power generation technologies |
g_NRGsplit_ENEP.gms | File splitting the IO in volumes and energy prices |
h_NRGsplit_Report.gms | Reporting code file |
h_NRGsplit_Report_countregions.gms | Reporting code file |
h_NRGsplit_Report_put.gms | Reporting code file |
b_NRGsplit_GTAPIOt.gms file includes the code for the construction of the IO tables based on the GTAP database. The routine codified here initiates with the definition of the sets used. This is followed by appropriate mapping of model sectors and countries/regions to the GTAP sectors and countries/regions respectively. After loading the GTAP data a normalization of the national transport margins to the total international transport margins is undertaken. In the last step in this file it is undertaken the construction of the IO table based on GTAP data.
c_NRGsplit_IEAGTAP.gms file loads and aggregates the GTAP and IEA data.
d_NRGsplit_TECHPOLII.gms file loads the TECHPOL II and IIASA energy prices (IEA dataset) data and it calculates the power generation cost and production structure. Here investment, capital, fuel, fixed, variable and total costs are calculated. The detailed algebraic formulation of these calculations follows in the section below.
e_NRGsplit_IEAEBAL.gms file loads the energy balances from the IEA database. For countries for which data are not available figures are estimated based on the world average percentage structure.
f_NRGsplit_BUPG.gms file includes the routine for the breakdown of the electricity production to different technologies and the split of the IO flows. The detailed algebraic formulation is presented in the following section.
g_NRGsplit_ENEP.gms file includes the routine which disaggregates the IO figures in volumes and energy prices.
In the last sequential files named h_NRGsplit_Report.gms, h_NRGsplit_Report_countregions.gms and h_NRGsplit_Report_put.GMS the steps used for the reporting of the bottom up IO tables are loaded in the routine.
How to use the module
In the GMS file named a_NRGsplit_start the working directory is defined and the GMS files that load the data from the different datasets (GTAP, IEA, TECHPOL II) are called. In this file are also loaded the GMS files that include the routine for the construction of the IO tables and their extension so as to include a detailed representation of the different energy technologies. The routine ends by exporting all the extended IO tables in one single excel file.
Table 3 starting the routine
File name | Description |
a_NRGsplit_start.gms | Initiating file which loads the data, the routine and reporting files |
Paroussos L., Fragkiadakis K., “GAMS automated routine to split the power generation sector ”, under preparation