Service sector end use model
A service sector end use model is developed to capture sector specific energy demand dynamics. The model has an explicit representation of five energy functions (space heating and cooling, lighting, water heating and appliances) in the service sector and their main drivers. Including this detail has as advantage that end use demand can be related to climate conditions, and thus capture regional differences. Moreover end use specific efficiency and fuel switching opportunities, and structural change can be accounted for.
Demand functions
Description: The file contains an extensive description of a bottom up approach to model the service sector end use demand. The equations have been derived based on World Energy Outlook (WEO) service sector end use data in 2011 for a large set of regions. The per capita energy demand for the specific end-uses (space heating, water heating, lighting, space cooling, lighting, cooking and appliances) are related through a gompertz function to service sector value added per capita.
How to use the module
The derived functions can be related to regional service sector value added (SVA) per capita projections to model regional service sector end-use demand. This has been tested in Integrated Assessment model IMAGE. The file ServiceSectorEndUse.pdf also contains a description of how within the IMAGE model framework the service sector demand per energy carrier was calibrated to historical data and the model outcomes for seven key regions.
Fleischman, Edelenbosch et al. “Exploring the energy demand of the service sector and its role in global emissions” (in preparation)